ICAN! make a Zine!

What is a Zine?
A zine, shorthand for “fanzine” (combination of magazine and fan), is a self-published mini magazine. Zines are used to informally spread information in communities. They originated in the 1930s but became popular in the punk movement during the 1980s.[1] Zine topics can range from birth control access (like ours!) to comics, artwork, and political issues. They are a fun, creative way to share information in the community — so we thought we’d team up with our Community Advisory Board to make our own!
ICAN!’s Community Advisory Board
ICAN!’s Community Advisory Board (CAB) ensures that community voices, needs, and concerns are the basis of ICAN!’s work to advance contraceptive equity. Made up of 15 members representing the diversity of our communities, CAB members have expertise in health education, health equity, social work, and grassroots organizing.
CAB members Mandy (She/her) and Amanda (She/they) collaborated with our Project Coordinator Skylar (She/her) to create and distribute our very first zine! Titled “Birth Control Methods 101,” it’s the first of many the CAB is hoping to produce in the upcoming year. “Birth Control Methods 101,” provides information about three methods: Pills, IUDs, and condoms. It was important to the CAB and ICAN! to include a mix of hormonal and non-hormonal methods in this first issue. The zine also contains sections titled “Birth Control Math” (about the efficacy of the method) and “Birth Control Myth-Busting.” The goal of this series is to normalize birth control as basic healthcare and make learning about your options fun and easy to understand!
Where do Zines go?
One of the coolest things about zines is how accessible they are. Zines are often free and placed in community spaces. This includes but is not limited to bookstores, cafes, libraries, bars, local shops, and gyms. If you ask permission and are respectful to the patrons, zines are welcome everywhere!
Accessing “Birth Control Methods 101”
Our zine is available to print, fold, and distribute for FREE!! Check out our Zine and instructions from 42nd Street below. Happy sharing! 🙂
[1] Full article here https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/88911/brief-history-zines