ICAN! In-Person Trainings Assessments for Certificates of Completion
Welcome! Below you will find learning assessments for your in-person training. Successful completion of these assessments will enable you to obtain CME/CEU credits and certificates of completion.
All assessments can be completed at your own pace, and you can reference the videos from your training at all times. If you need to step away, just come back when you can.
If you have any questions, please email us at ican4all@alliancechicago.org.
Training Videos & Challenge Exam
Modern Contraception & Reproductive Justice - Learning Assessment

Please click on the link for the certificate you need below. After completing the course evaluation, you will be able to save and print your certificate!
Billing & Training Learning Assessments
Expanding Contraceptive Coverage
ICAN! partners with organizations to create and disseminate tools and resources that advance reproductive health equity in Illinois and improve the quality and coverage of contraceptive care.
The ICAN! On-Demand videos are designed to support health care providers and community-based organizations to stay informed on the best practices to improve the quality of contraceptive care delivery.
Watch and register for additional webinars below!

Illinois’ New Family Planning SPA LIVE webinar!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022, 12 – 1:00pm CST
Opportunities for Improved Maternal Health and Contraceptive Coverage
ICAN! and the Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) are collaborating on a two-part webinar series to address how to take significant steps to expand coverage for postpartum care and family planning services.
In this webinar, participants will learn what expanded coverage looks like, who is eligible, and how best to ensure your patients and clients get covered.
Recorded: Wednesday, April 27, 12 – 1 p.m.
Illinois’ New Family Planning SPA
Register for the Illinois’ New Family Planning SPA webinar.
Learning objectives for the webinar include:
- Participants understand SPA eligibility requirements, financial screening practices, and enrollment processes.
- Participants identify outreach and engagement practices to implement in their health centers.
- Health centers are prepared for retroactive coverage to begin on September 1, 2022.
Registration Required! Click HERE to register.
Printable Birth Control Method Chart
This easy-to-use chart, available in both English and Spanish, supports quality, client-centered contraceptive counseling conversations between providers and clients.

Take the ICAN! Birth Control quiz to find the right method for YOU!

Billing Aid
Phone Job Aid

Contraceptive Counseling and Education eLearning
CEUs Offered: 3 contact hours 1) Accurately describe the full range of contraceptive methods 2) Elicit client preferences about contraceptive methods 3) Use client-centered counseling techniques to help clients identify a method that best fits their needs and preferences
Using a Patient-Centered Framework
1) Describe how to apply principles of shared decision-making to contraceptive counseling 2) Describe techniques to present scientific data with clarity, using a patient-centered approach 3) Discuss how to address common challenging scenarios in contraceptive counseling
Same Day Placement of LARC: Solutions to Common Barriers
1) Explain bleeding changes associated with each LARC method 2) Demonstrate familiarity with use of the U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use 3) Identify testing required prior to LARC placement 4) Describe barriers and solutions to same-day placement of LARC methods
Introduction to the Quality Family Planning Recommendations eLearning
CEUs Offered: 1 contact hour 1) Explain the purpose of the QFP Recommendations 2) Describe the scope of family planning, related preventive health, and other preventive services as outlined in the QFP 3) Put into practice the quality counseling principles outlined in the QFP
How to use the PATH Framework to Discuss Reproductive Goals with Patients
PATH Questions: 1) Do you think you might like to have (more) children at some point? 2) When do you think that might be? 3) How important is it to you to prevent pregnancy (until then)?
Practical and Sustainable Steps for Address Bias in Contraceptive Care
1) Describe how bias may impact patients’ experience of care 2) Demonstrate practical strategies to mitigate the impacts of bias 3) Utilize patient-centered counseling approaches to support patients who want contraception access information about the full range of options and select their method of choice
Update in Contraception
CEUs Offered: 1 contact hours 1) Identify birth control methods coming to market 2) Describe how long patients can safely use LARC methods 3) Explain what new methods are currently under study
Providing Patient-Centered Counseling Via Telehealth During COVID-19
1) Describe the importance of pro#f9fcf7viding patient-centered counseling in family planning 2) Identify best practices for patient-centered counseling via telehealth platforms
Trauma-Informed Care with Adolescent Patients
1) Describe how to apply 1) Explain the multifaceted definition of trauma-informed care 2) Define trauma, identify potentially traumatic events, and give examples of the range of experiences that can cause trauma 3) Explain the significance of trauma in health care, and identify components of a health care visit that could be perceived as dangerous for traumatized adolescents
Patient-Centered Care
1) Demonstrate strategies for IUD and implant device insertion and removal, including difficult cases 2) Demonstrate instructing patients to self-administer DMPA-SC