Visit FAQs
If you’re looking for some more information about birth control use and side effects or would like more details about your visit, we’ve put together a list of some Frequently Asked Quesions. If you have a clinical question, please reach out to your Quality Hub provider. If you are having a medical emergency, please dial 911.

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Accessing Care
- Do you live in Illinois?
- Do you make less than $3250/month? (Your salary only, if you have one.) We are not asking what your family makes, this is only for you and about you.
- You are not currently pregnant and you want to get contraceptive counseling and services?
Find some helpful information and tips on accessing birth control as a young person here. Those with Medicaid MCOs (CountyCare, Aetna, Meridian, Molina, and Blue Cross Community) have full confidential coverage for birth control, regardless of your network or medical home.
General Birth Control: Uses and Side Effects
If the method has progestin only (depo shot, hormonal IUD, or arm implant) you can expect spotting and irregular bleeding, especially the first few months. After the first 4-6 months, many will only have very light spotting if any bleeding; this is considered normal due to the progestin hormone. Not getting any periods/bleeding is more common with the progestin IUD. It may seem odd to not have your period, but because of the small amount of hormone in your uterus, there is no reason to have your period as nothing is building up in your uterine lining. Some people with heavy or painful periods intentionally seek out the hormonal IUD to treat these symptoms.
If you get a non-hormonal IUD (copper IUD), you will likely have monthly bleeding and your bleeding may be slightly heavier. You may have more cramps than usual. These are expected side effects, but the potential heavier bleeding and cramps may lessen after the first year. Your periods should continue as before you got the non-hormonal IUD. Taking over-the-counter medicine that you usually take for your period symptoms can help with these expected side effects