Visit Tips + Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks to feel empowered ahead of your birth control appointment.

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Your Body. Your Visit. Your Decision.
Remember you have the right to access confidential sexual health care.
In Illinois, anyone 12+ has the right to seek confidential sexual health care, unless your doctor is worried you are at risk of harming or being harmed (neglect, abuse) by others. Read more about your rights here.
Come Prepared
Arrive early to check in for your appointment. Make sure you have all of the information you need for your appointment (this includes parking, health insurance, payment information, and more).
Come prepared with a list of any questions or concerns so you leave the appointment with all your questions answered.
Make sure you have access to you and your family’s medical history.
Be Honest
Providers have heard everything. There is no such thing as a dumb or embarrassing question. This is part of their job and what they are trained for.
Ask the provider to explain what they are doing/any of the medical tools they may use.
Before procedural methods, signing a consent is required. In general, one will sign a consent to receive medical treatment for general services at the health center and another procedural consent will be done prior to insertion (done only for insertion of LARCS and tubals/vasectomy). This is a great time to ask questions and remember even if you sign a consent form, you always have the right to change your mind at any time.
Embrace that you are an expert. No one knows your body like you do!
ICAN! providers are trained in shared decision-making. That means they view you as an expert in your own healthcare and will ask open-ended questions to help provide information based on what’s important to you, not what’s important to them.
Be comfortable saying what’s important to you in your birth control method. If you don’t agree with your provider’s recommendation or have concerns, let them know. You should leave feeling respected, listened to, taken seriously, and like you were given enough information to make the choice that’s best for you.
- Unsure which birth control method works best for you? Take our quiz to explore your options.
You do not have to stick to one provider. If you feel like you need a second opinion or didn’t have a great experience, you can try another location or provider. Medicaid patients can get birth control from any provider that accepts Medicaid at no cost, even if they are out-of-network.
Create a support system!
If you need support during your appointment, bring someone with you (clarify this is ok with your provider).
Reach out to your friends and family networks before and after your appointment. You are not in this alone!
Self advocacy is hard! With practice it will get easier. Remember this appointment is for YOU!
ICAN! is here to help with any non-medical questions you may have. Get in touch with us