Turning our grief and rage into action: what we can do together

We emphatically denounce the unjust and devastating decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the constitutional right to abortion. As an initiative informed by the principles of reproductive justice and led by lifelong advocates for reproductive rights and health equity, ICAN! vows to meet this moment by channeling our grief and rage into tenacity, proactivity, and bold leadership. We renew our commitment to fight for the right of every person to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to become pregnant and parent, and we pledge to center the lived experiences of women with few resources, women of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals who will be most profoundly impacted by state abortion bans.
With millions of women and people who can become pregnant robbed of their right to reproductive autonomy, it is more important than ever that they are able to easily obtain the birth control method of their choice. Know that ICAN! and its partner health centers will not turn anyone away for birth control no matter where they live. Birth control remains safe and legal in all 50 states and abortion remains safe and legal in Illinois.
We have developed the following resources for patients, providers, and policymakers. Please distribute widely!
- Your Health Your Rights: a guide for patients accessing reproductive health care in Illinois post-Roe.
- Ensuring Access to Birth Control Post-Roe: a guide for healthcare providers.
- Policy Priorities to Expand Reproductive Health Access in Illinois: a guide for advocates and policymakers.
We must defend access to reproductive health and work to normalize the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health care. Thank you for all that you have done and will do to ensure that people accessing health care in Illinois can realize their right to reproductive well-being. We are grateful for your partnership.
In solidarity,
Katie Thiede and Kai Tao, co-founders, ICAN! emphasis>
P.S. Eager to take the next step in expanding access for your patients and community? Join us! ICAN! is building a statewide network of providers committed to tackling barriers to same-day access to all birth control methods at low or no cost. Apply today!
P.P.S. If you haven’t already, please read our Heartland Signal op-ed outlining what we can do in Illinois to live up to our reputation as a beacon for reproductive health care access.