Andi Beaudouin

Andi Beaudouin is a graduate student at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, studying reproductive science and medicine and public health. Andi received their Bachelor’s from Loyola University Chicago where they studied molecular and cellular neuroscience and biology, with a minor in women and gender studies, chemistry, and anthropology. As a marginalized person, Andi seeks to advocate for justice and accessibility in the healthcare world. Andi is a former student organizer for Students for Reproductive Justice (SRJ), which is an anti-racist, queer-affirming, and women-affirming space that organizes for reproductive justice at Loyola. SRJ distributes condoms, dental dams, lubricants, and menstrual cups across Loyola’s campus. Hoping to expand on what SRJ offers, Andi has launched SRJ’s emergency contraceptive peer-distribution program called “EZ EC”, and now they serve as a Project Coordinator for the American Society of Emergency Contraception, supervising the regional fellows program and helping students at college campuses across the country set up EC distribution programs. As a future physician scientist, Andi firmly believes that everyone has a right to reproductive justice and reproductive freedom. In their free time, Andi likes to read, watch anime, do ceramics, and write (they’re currently working on a book!)

Linkedin: Andi Beaudouin