ICAN! Statement on the Right to Contraception Act

90% of Americans support access to birth control, including 93% of Democrats and 88% of Republicans. These facts are hardly surprising given that over 95% of sexually experienced women will use at least one form of birth control in their lifetimes, and nearly 1 in 5 women will use birth control for reasons other than pregnancy prevention, including for managing period symptoms and health conditions.
So why did almost every single Republican Senator just vote against making birth control a federal right?
On June 5, 2024, The Right to Contraception Act—a bill that says people have the right to access birth control and that healthcare providers have the right to provide it—failed to pass due to Republican opposition. And this isn’t the first time. When this bill was voted on in July 2022—immediately after the fall of Roe v. Wade—195 Republican Representatives voted against it. It should go without saying but we’ll say it louder for the people in the back: “Birth control is not a partisan issue!”
The message couldn’t be clearer: our reproductive rights, our right to bodily autonomy, our right to basic birth control, is under attack.
So, what are we going to do about it?!
1. First and foremost: register to vote! Reproductive health care is on the ballot this Fall! Visit vote411.org to check your registration status and learn more about what’s on your ballot. on your ballot. Remember: when reproductive health access is put in the hands of the voters, it wins! In the 2024 midterm elections, voters in all 5 states with abortion on the ballot chose to protect abortion rights.
2. Talk to your people! Let them know that contraception is critical for so many people. Share your story of how contraception has helped you to plan your family, protect your health and pursue your goals.
3. Combat disinformation by sharing the facts. Social media is filled with dangerous myths about birth control (that politicians are repeating!), including that certain methods cause cancer, lead to future infertility, and cause abortion (famously, birth control prevents pregnancy; it does not terminate an existing pregnancy!).
4. If you live in a state whose Senators voted against The Right to Contraception Act: make your voice heard! Call your Senator’s office to express your outrage and make sure they know that their constituents demand the right to contraception!
5. Stay informed! Follow reputable organizations like @ican4all, @advocatesforyouth, @plannedparenthood, and @powertodecide.
6. Take a deep breath and remember: there are currently no laws banning or limiting access to birth control; all methods remain safe and legal in Illinois—and in every state! It’s up to all of us to make sure it stays that way.